Publication of peer reviewed manuscripts from COMLAND organized special sessions has occurred in a range of highly ranked journals, including Geografiska Annaler, Catena, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Land Degradation and Development, and Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie.
Paul F. Hudson and Matija Zorn (Eds.). 2019. The Role of Historic
Human Impacts on Modern Environmental Processes and Management,
Special Issue, Land Degradation and Development
Hudson, P.F. and LaFevor M. (Eds.) 2014. Management and Monitoring Land Degradation and Environmental Change (refereed special issue), Journal of Environmental Management 138: 1-96.
Paul F. Hudson and Moshe Inbar, 2012. Geodiversity and Land Degradation: Anthropogenic and Natural Drivers of Environmental Change. Land Degradation and Development 23, 307-426.
Papers published from the COMLAND meeting held in Haifa, Israel, 2010.
Correa C.P.C., Véliz J.O., Bäuerle M.V.S., Aravena H.R., Arragada J., Smith P., Rodofi, G., Marker M., 2011. IGU/UGI COMLAND Excursion, Chile 2011. The Copiapó Valley in the Atacama Desert: Landscape Diversity, Landuse Complexity, and Development. Universidad De Chile, Facultad De Arquitectura Y Urbanismo. Departemento De Geografía.
Aravena H.R., Diaz M.M., Guerra P.S., 2011. Guía de terreno Cuenca del Río Copiapó, Novembre 11 de 2011. Problemas Y Desafíos Geográficos De La Cuenca Del Río Copiapó. Universidad De Chile, Facultad De Arquitectura Y Urbanismo. Departemento De Geografía.
From the COMLAND field trip and pre-IGU Regional Congress held in Santiago, Chile, 2011.
Xiaoping Yang and Louis A. Scuderi (Eds.) 2010. Environmental Changes in Arid and Semi-arid Regions. Quaternary Research 73, 1, 162 pp.
Papers published from the COMLAND meeting held in Left Banner, Inner Mongolia, China, 2007.
Xiaoping Yang and Arthur Conacher (Eds.) 2009. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation in Ecologically Fragile Areas. Geographical Research 47, 1, 94 pp. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-5871.2008.00562.x. Papers published from the COMLAND meeting held in Left Banner, Inner Mongolia, China, 2007
Gregor Ollesch 2009. Abstracts and field trip guide. International Conference on Land and Water Degradation Processes and Management, Magdeburg, Germany September 6-9, 2009.
Steffanie Scott and Arthur Conacher (Eds.), 2008. Land Degradation and Poverty, Geographical Research, 46 (1), Published papers presented at the COMLAND meeting in Nghe An Province, Vietnam, in February 17 – 27, 2006.
Tsuyoshi Hattanji, Takashi Oguchi, Chiaki T. Oguchi, Yuichi S., Hayakawa, Wonsuh Song, and Ronald De Rose (Eds.), 2008. Field Trip Guide of the COMLAND Pre-symposium Field Trip in Japan: Land Degradation Processes, Dynamics of Land Degradation (June 5-7, 2008), 22 pp.
Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification (COMLAND) - International Geographical Union, 2008. Abstract volume (June 8-13). Taipei, Taiwan. 56 pp. For the COMLAND meeting on Land Degradation Processes, Dynamics of Land Degradation.
Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification (COMLAND) - International Geographical Union, 2008. Field Trip Guide (June 10-12, 2008). Taipei, Taiwan, 127 pp. For the COMLAND meeting on Land Degradation Processes, Dynamics of Land Degradation.
Xiaoping Yang and Arthur Conacher, 2007. International Workshop on Environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions Inner Mongolia, China. Episodes 30 (4), 297-298.
Xiaoping Yang, 2007. Pre-symposium Field Trip Guide (Inner Mongolia north and west of Beijing, September 7 – 9, 2007), 6 pp. For the COMLAND – IGU International Workshop on Environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions Inner Mongolia, China, September 10-17, 2007.
Xiaoping Yang, 2007. Post-symposium Field Trip Guide (Gobi desert from Alashan Left Banner to Badain Jaran Desert, September 14 – 17, 2007), 7 pp. For the COMLAND – IGU International Workshop on Environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions Inner Mongolia, China, September 10-17, 2007.
Xiaoping Yang, 2007. Abstract volume. COMLAND – IGU International Workshop on Environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions Inner Mongolia, China, September 10-17, 2007.
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Land Degradation, Supplementbände, Band 143, 141 pages
Dedication to Arthur Conacher V-VI
Preface VII-VIII
Fluvial processes
Arthur Conacher and Guðrun Gísladóttir, 2006: UN year of deserts and desertification: policy implications, Quaternary Sciences (Chinese Academy of Sciences), 26 (6), 1030. Also published in Landabrefid (Iceland), 22 (1), 109-111.
Land Degradation & Development
Land Degradation in Changing Environments. Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages 353-452 (July/August 2006)
Published manuscripts from the International Geographical Union's meeting in Glasgow, Scotland. Edited by Arthur Conacher. Guest editor's foreword: land degradation in changing environments (p 353) - Arthur Conacher
Research Articles
CATENA Volume 65, Issue 2, Pages 101-200 (28 February 2006): Geomorphology and Land Degradation
Mexico City, Mexico
27 October-02 November 2003
Edited by Paul F. Hudson and Irasema Alcantara-Ayala
Land Degradation and Development. Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 97-242 (March/April 2005)
Research Articles
Geomorphological Processes and Human Impacts in River Basins. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Solsona, Catalonia, Spain, May 2004:
IAHS Publ. 299 (October 2005) ISBN 1-901502-28-7, 244 + xii pp.
The International Symposium on Land Degradation and Desertification, May 2005. Revista Sociedade & Natureza, Special Issue CD, ISSN 0103-1570.
The CD contains four special lectures and more than 100 papers grouped in eight themes, from the COMLAND meeting in Uberlandia, Brazil, in May 2005. The themes are:
The special COMLAND issue of the journal Land Degradation and Development is available on the web.
SUSANNE SCHNABEL and ALFREDO FERREIRA (eds.) (2004). Sustainability of Agrosilvopastoral Systems. Advances in GeoEcology, 37, Catena Verlag, Reiskirchen, Germany, 389 pp.
Information on the book
Land Degradation & Development Volume 15(3) 2004: Special Issue, Land Degradation and Development, Geographical Perspectives. Issue Edited by Michael E. Meadows. Papers from the COMLAND program at the IGU regional congress, Durban, August 2003.
Papers [in: Land Degradation & Development Volume 15(3) 2004]:
Carlos A. LLerena, Moshe Inbar & Maria A. Benavides (eds.) (2004): Conservacion y abandono de andenes. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Lima, Peru) and University of Haifa (Israel), 217 pp. (In Spanish).
The book is a compiltion of 19 papers delivered at Symposium held in Lima during May 8th and 9th, 1997, and sponsored by COMLAND. To order: Ing. Carlos A. Llerena, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina-Lima, Peru. [email protected]
The following publications for the conference in Solsona (Spain), 15-20 May 2004, are sponsored by IGU (COMLAND), International Association of Hydrological Sciences, European Society for Soil Conservation, Universitat des Illes Baleares, Centre Techologic Forestal de Catalunya, Universitat de Lleida and Universitat de Barcelona:
Jha, V.C. (Ed.) (2003): Land Degradation and Desertification. Rawat Publications, Jaipur & New Delhi, India, 405 pp.
Geografiska Annaler, Series A, Physical Geography 85A(3-4) 2003: Special issue from the COMLAND conference in Mexico May 2001. Guest Editor: Moshe Inbar.
Papers [in: Geografiska Annaler, Series A, Physical Geography 85A(3-4) 2003]:
Australian Geographical Studies 40(2) 2002: Special Theme the COMLAND Symposium on "The Role of Geomorphology in Combatting Land Degradation" as part of the International Association of Geomorphologists Congress in Tokyo, August 2001. Editor: Arthur Conacher.
Papers [in: Australian Geographical Studies 40(2) 2002]:
Anon (2001): Popocatepetl volcano field trip guide: International symposium on land degradation and desertification Mexico City and Patzcuaro, Michoacan May 7-14, 2001, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico.
Conacher, A.J. (ed.) (2001): Land degradation: papers selected from contributions to the sixth meeting of the International Geographical Union's Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification, Perth, Western Australia, 20-28 September 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. i-x + 390 pp. ISBN: 0-7923-6770-7. Price: EURO 135.00 / US$ 145.00 / GBP 92.00.
De Tapia, E.M. (2001): Teotihuacan: urbanization and human impact on the prehispanic landscape in the northern basin of Mexico, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; for the COMLAND conference May 7-14, 2001, Mexico.
Jha, V.C. (2001): XXIInd Conference of Institute of Indian Geographers (IIG) and IGU Commission Meeting on Land Degradation and Desertification, Abstracts of Papers. Department of Geography, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, India. 174 pp.
Legorreta Paulin, G. (2001): Field trip guide: Paricutin Volvano and surroundings, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico.
Palacio, J.L., Gonzalez, L.L., Selem, L.V., Bocco, G., De Tapia, E.M., Alcantara, I., Inbar, M., Sala, M. and Conacher, A. (2001): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Land Degradation and Desertification May 7-14, 2001, Mexico City - Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico, IGU Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification and Institute of Geography - Institute of Ecology - Institute of Anthropology, Nacional Autonomous University of Mexico.
Siebe, C. et al.: Popocatepetl volcano field trip guide: International symposium on land degradation and desertification Mexico City. May 7-14, 2001, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico.
Vazques, L.S., Mendoza, M.C., Lopez, E.G., Bocco, G. and Barrera, N.B. (2001): Field trip guides, International symposium on land degradation and desertification Mexico City and Patzcuaro, Michoacan May 7-14, 2001, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico.
Paul F. Hudson and Matija Zorn (Eds.). 2019. The Role of Historic
Human Impacts on Modern Environmental Processes and Management,
Special Issue, Land Degradation and Development
Hudson, P.F. and LaFevor M. (Eds.) 2014. Management and Monitoring Land Degradation and Environmental Change (refereed special issue), Journal of Environmental Management 138: 1-96.
Paul F. Hudson and Moshe Inbar, 2012. Geodiversity and Land Degradation: Anthropogenic and Natural Drivers of Environmental Change. Land Degradation and Development 23, 307-426.
Papers published from the COMLAND meeting held in Haifa, Israel, 2010.
Correa C.P.C., Véliz J.O., Bäuerle M.V.S., Aravena H.R., Arragada J., Smith P., Rodofi, G., Marker M., 2011. IGU/UGI COMLAND Excursion, Chile 2011. The Copiapó Valley in the Atacama Desert: Landscape Diversity, Landuse Complexity, and Development. Universidad De Chile, Facultad De Arquitectura Y Urbanismo. Departemento De Geografía.
Aravena H.R., Diaz M.M., Guerra P.S., 2011. Guía de terreno Cuenca del Río Copiapó, Novembre 11 de 2011. Problemas Y Desafíos Geográficos De La Cuenca Del Río Copiapó. Universidad De Chile, Facultad De Arquitectura Y Urbanismo. Departemento De Geografía.
From the COMLAND field trip and pre-IGU Regional Congress held in Santiago, Chile, 2011.
Xiaoping Yang and Louis A. Scuderi (Eds.) 2010. Environmental Changes in Arid and Semi-arid Regions. Quaternary Research 73, 1, 162 pp.
Papers published from the COMLAND meeting held in Left Banner, Inner Mongolia, China, 2007.
Xiaoping Yang and Arthur Conacher (Eds.) 2009. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation in Ecologically Fragile Areas. Geographical Research 47, 1, 94 pp. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-5871.2008.00562.x. Papers published from the COMLAND meeting held in Left Banner, Inner Mongolia, China, 2007
Gregor Ollesch 2009. Abstracts and field trip guide. International Conference on Land and Water Degradation Processes and Management, Magdeburg, Germany September 6-9, 2009.
Steffanie Scott and Arthur Conacher (Eds.), 2008. Land Degradation and Poverty, Geographical Research, 46 (1), Published papers presented at the COMLAND meeting in Nghe An Province, Vietnam, in February 17 – 27, 2006.
Tsuyoshi Hattanji, Takashi Oguchi, Chiaki T. Oguchi, Yuichi S., Hayakawa, Wonsuh Song, and Ronald De Rose (Eds.), 2008. Field Trip Guide of the COMLAND Pre-symposium Field Trip in Japan: Land Degradation Processes, Dynamics of Land Degradation (June 5-7, 2008), 22 pp.
Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification (COMLAND) - International Geographical Union, 2008. Abstract volume (June 8-13). Taipei, Taiwan. 56 pp. For the COMLAND meeting on Land Degradation Processes, Dynamics of Land Degradation.
Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification (COMLAND) - International Geographical Union, 2008. Field Trip Guide (June 10-12, 2008). Taipei, Taiwan, 127 pp. For the COMLAND meeting on Land Degradation Processes, Dynamics of Land Degradation.
Xiaoping Yang and Arthur Conacher, 2007. International Workshop on Environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions Inner Mongolia, China. Episodes 30 (4), 297-298.
Xiaoping Yang, 2007. Pre-symposium Field Trip Guide (Inner Mongolia north and west of Beijing, September 7 – 9, 2007), 6 pp. For the COMLAND – IGU International Workshop on Environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions Inner Mongolia, China, September 10-17, 2007.
Xiaoping Yang, 2007. Post-symposium Field Trip Guide (Gobi desert from Alashan Left Banner to Badain Jaran Desert, September 14 – 17, 2007), 7 pp. For the COMLAND – IGU International Workshop on Environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions Inner Mongolia, China, September 10-17, 2007.
Xiaoping Yang, 2007. Abstract volume. COMLAND – IGU International Workshop on Environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions Inner Mongolia, China, September 10-17, 2007.
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Land Degradation, Supplementbände, Band 143, 141 pages
- Published manuscripts from the International Geographical Union's Regional Meeting in Brisbane, Australia, in honor of Prof. Arthur Conacher's contributions to COMLAND. Edited by Maria Sala and Moshe Inbar.
Dedication to Arthur Conacher V-VI
Preface VII-VIII
Fluvial processes
- Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. & Martinez, T.I:: River-channel changes downstream from dams in the lower Ebro River (with 9 figures and 4 tables) 1-15.
- Hudson, P.F. & Kesel, R.H.: Spatial and temporal adjustment of the Lower Mississippi River channel to major human impacts (with 6 figures) 17-33.
- Inbar, M.: The hydraulic geometry and geomorphic sensitivity assessment of some rivers of Western Australia (with 10 figures and 4 tables) 35-53.
- Gisladottir, G.: The impact of tourist trampling on Icelandic Andosols (with 4 figures and 6 tables) 55-73.
- Meadows, M.E., Rahlao, S. & Dietrich, K.: Land use dynamics, soil erosion and conservation in the Tygerberg Hills, Cape Town, South Africa (with 5 figures and 3 tables) 75-86.
- Diaz, Palmer, A., Garcia, C., Servera, J. & Ubeda, X.: Spatial variability of total nitrogen, total carbon and organic carbon content in the top-soil of the Na Borges basin, Mallorca, Spain (with 4 figures and 5 tables) 87-98.
- Ballais, J.-L.: La méthode hydrogéomorphologique de détermination des zones inondables (avec 3 figures) 99-108.
- Sorriso-Valvo, M. & Terranova, O.: The Calabrian fiumara streams (with 7 figures and 1 table) 109-125.
- Laouina, A., Coelho, c., Ritsema, C., Chaker, M., Nafaa, R., Antari, M., Ferreira, A. & van Dijck, S.: La différenciation spatiale des comportements des terres dans le micro-bassin de Matlaq (Région de Rabat, Maroc)
- (avec 4 figures) 127-141.
Arthur Conacher and Guðrun Gísladóttir, 2006: UN year of deserts and desertification: policy implications, Quaternary Sciences (Chinese Academy of Sciences), 26 (6), 1030. Also published in Landabrefid (Iceland), 22 (1), 109-111.
Land Degradation & Development
Land Degradation in Changing Environments. Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages 353-452 (July/August 2006)
Published manuscripts from the International Geographical Union's meeting in Glasgow, Scotland. Edited by Arthur Conacher. Guest editor's foreword: land degradation in changing environments (p 353) - Arthur Conacher
Research Articles
- Integrated catchment management in semiarid environments in the context of the European Water Framework Directive (p 355-364). J. B. Thornes, K. M. Rowntree
- Hindcasting extreme events: the occurrence and expression of damaging floods and landslides in Southern Italy (p 365-380). M. L. Clarke, H. M. Rendell
- Hydrological changes and land degradation in the southern and eastern Tarim basin, Xinjiang, China (p 381-392) X. Yang, Z. Liu, F. Zhang, P. D. White, X. Wang
- The influence of soil fauna on soil structural attributes under a limed and untreated upland grassland (p 393-400) D. A. Davidson, I. C. Grieve
- Land degradation in northeastern Iceland: present and past carbon fluxes (p 401-417) M. I. Kardjilov, G. Gisladottir, S. R. Gislason
- Cattle treading effects on plant growth and soil stability in the mountain grassland of Japan (p 419-428) T. N. Pande, H. Yamamoto
- Vegetation regrowth after a differential intensity forest fire in a Mediterranean environment, northeast Spain (p 429-440) X. Úbeda, L. R. Outeiro, M. Sala
- Dewatering of the Far West Rand dolomitic area by gold mining activities and subsequent ground instability (p 441-452) H. J. van Niekerk, I. J. van der Walt
CATENA Volume 65, Issue 2, Pages 101-200 (28 February 2006): Geomorphology and Land Degradation
Mexico City, Mexico
27 October-02 November 2003
Edited by Paul F. Hudson and Irasema Alcantara-Ayala
- Ancient and modern perspectives on land degradation. Pages 102-106. Paul F. Hudson and Irasema Alcantara-Ayala
- Effects of land use on soil erosion in a tropical dry forest ecosystem, Chamela watershed, Mexico. Pages 107-117 . H. Cotler and M.P. Ortega-Larrocea
- Symbolism, knowledge and management of soil and land resources in indigenous communities: Ethnopedology at global, regional and local scales. Pages 118-137. Narciso Barrera-Bassols, J. Alfred Zinck and Eric Van Ranst
- Implications of decadal changes in precipitation and land use policy to soil erosion in Basilicata, Italy. Pages 138-151. M. Piccarreta, D. Capolongo, F. Boenzi and M. Bentivenga
- Landsliding related to land-cover change: A diachronic analysis of hillslope instability distribution in the Sierra Norte, Puebla, Mexico. Pages 152-165. I. Alcantara-Ayala, O. Esteban-Chavez and J.F. Parrot
- Impacts of the ancient Maya on soils and soil erosion in the central Maya Lowlands. Pages 166-178. T. Beach, N. Dunning, S. Luzzadder-Beach, D.E. Cook and J. Lohse
- Agricultural manipulation of floodplains in the southern Basin and Range Province. Pages 179-199. William E. Doolittle
Land Degradation and Development. Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 97-242 (March/April 2005)
- Land Degradation and Mitigation (p 97) - Gudrún Gísladóttir, Michael Stocking
Research Articles
- Land degradation control and its global environmental benefits (p 99-112) G. Gisladottir, M. Stocking
- Approaches to landcare - a century of soil conservation in Iceland (p 113-125) A. Arnalds
- Coupling erosion, vegetation and grazing (p 127-138) J. B. Thornes
- Vegetation index differencing and linear regression for change detection in a Swedish mountain range using Landsat TM® and ETM+® imagery (p 139-149) M.-L. Nordberg, J. Evertson
- Government policies and land degradation in the Middle East (p 151-161) T. T. Nielsen, H. K. Adriansen
- Land degradation indicators in Kuwait (p 163-176) J. M. Al-Awadhi, S. A. Omar, R. F. Misak
- The effect of landscape and retreating glaciers on wind erosion in South Iceland (p 177-187) F. O. Gisladottir, O. Arnalds, G. Gisladottir
- Managing secondary salinity of rivers in South-Western Australia: An evaluation of the water resource recovery catchment approach (p 189-200) J. Lothian, A. Conacher
- Causes and consequences of the Merriespruit and other tailings-dam failures (p 201-212) H. J. Van Niekerk, M. J. Viljoen
- The effect of unconfined mine tailings on the geochemistry of soils, sediments and surface waters of the lousal area (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Southern Portugal) (p 213-228) E. Ferreira Da Silva, E. Cardoso Fonseca, J. X. Matos, C. Patinha, P. Reis, J. M. Santos Oliveira
- Combining GIS and stochastic simulation to estimate spatial patterns of variation for lead at the Lousal mine, Portugal (p 229-242) A. P. Reis, E. Ferreira Da Silva, A. J. Sousa, J. Matos, C. Patinha, J. Abenta, E. Cardoso Fonseca
Geomorphological Processes and Human Impacts in River Basins. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Solsona, Catalonia, Spain, May 2004:
IAHS Publ. 299 (October 2005) ISBN 1-901502-28-7, 244 + xii pp.
The International Symposium on Land Degradation and Desertification, May 2005. Revista Sociedade & Natureza, Special Issue CD, ISSN 0103-1570.
The CD contains four special lectures and more than 100 papers grouped in eight themes, from the COMLAND meeting in Uberlandia, Brazil, in May 2005. The themes are:
- Soil erosion and possibilities of recovery
- Rivers, fluvial systems and land degradation
- Deforestation and its consequences on the soil and landscape
- Sustainable development and politics of management
- Remote sensing, GIS and their applications to the study of land degradation
- Eco-tourism and rural tourism and their implications
- Urbanization and land degradation
- Desertification and land degradation in dry lands
The special COMLAND issue of the journal Land Degradation and Development is available on the web.
SUSANNE SCHNABEL and ALFREDO FERREIRA (eds.) (2004). Sustainability of Agrosilvopastoral Systems. Advances in GeoEcology, 37, Catena Verlag, Reiskirchen, Germany, 389 pp.
Information on the book
Land Degradation & Development Volume 15(3) 2004: Special Issue, Land Degradation and Development, Geographical Perspectives. Issue Edited by Michael E. Meadows. Papers from the COMLAND program at the IGU regional congress, Durban, August 2003.
Papers [in: Land Degradation & Development Volume 15(3) 2004]:
- Meadows, M.E.: Guest editor's foreword, 201.
- Rowntree, K., Duma, M., Kakembo, V. and Thornes, J.: Debunking the myth of overgrazing and soil erosion, 203-214.
- Thomas, D.S.G. and Twyman, C.: Good or bad rangeland? Hybrid knowledge, science, and local understandings of vegetation dynamics in the Kalahari, 215-231.
- Dougill, A.J. and Thomas, A.D.: Kalahari sand soils, Spatial heterogeneity, biological soil crusts and land degradation, 233-242.
- Inbar, M. and Bruins, H.J.: Environmental impact of multi-annual drought in the Jordan Kinneret watershed, Israel, 243-256.
- Makhanya, E.M.: Demographic dynamics and land degradation at Ratau, Lesotho, in the context of rural sustainability, 257-269.
- Mlambo, D. and Huizing, H.: Household responses to fuelwood scarcity, A case study of two villages in Zimbabwe, 271-281.
- Ali, A.M.S.: Technological change in agriculture and land degradation in Bangladesh, A case study, 283-298.
- Conacher, A., Tonts, M. and Conacher, J.: Education and land-use planning for sustainable agricultural development in Western Australia, 299-310.
- Sala, M.: Hydrogeomorphological assessment of surface and groundwater quality in the Ridaura Stream, Catalan Ranges, NE Iberian Peninsula, 311-323.
- Jones, J.A.A.: Implications of natural soil piping for basin management in upland Britain, 325-349.
Carlos A. LLerena, Moshe Inbar & Maria A. Benavides (eds.) (2004): Conservacion y abandono de andenes. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Lima, Peru) and University of Haifa (Israel), 217 pp. (In Spanish).
The book is a compiltion of 19 papers delivered at Symposium held in Lima during May 8th and 9th, 1997, and sponsored by COMLAND. To order: Ing. Carlos A. Llerena, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina-Lima, Peru. [email protected]
The following publications for the conference in Solsona (Spain), 15-20 May 2004, are sponsored by IGU (COMLAND), International Association of Hydrological Sciences, European Society for Soil Conservation, Universitat des Illes Baleares, Centre Techologic Forestal de Catalunya, Universitat de Lleida and Universitat de Barcelona:
- Batalla, R.J. (Ed.) (2004): Conference Programme and Abstracts, International Conference on River/Catchments Dynamics, Natural Processes and Human Impacts; Solsona (Catalonia, Spain).
- Batalla, R.J. and Sala, M. (Eds.) (2004): Field trip, The Tordera River Basin, May 18th 2004, International Conference on River/Catchments Dynamics, Natural Processes and Human Impacts; Solsona (Catalonia, Spain).
- Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. and Balasch, J.C., (2004): Field Trip, The Ribera Salada River Basin, May 17th 2004, International Conference on River/Catchments Dynamics, Natural Processes and Human Impacts; Solsona (Catalonia, Spain).
- Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. and Balasch, J.C. (Eds.) (2004): Post-Conference Field Trip, The Lower Ebro River, May 20th 2004, International Conference on River/Catchments Dynamics, Natural Processes and Human Impacts; Solsona (Catalonia, Spain).
- Estrany, J. and Garcia, C. (2004): Field Excursion Guide, Erosion and Fluvial Processes on the Island of Mallorca, International Conference on River/Catchments Dynamics, Natural Processes and Human Impacts; Solsona (Catalonia, Spain).
- Farguell, J., Bernia, S., Ubeda, X. and Sala, M. (2004): Fluvial Processes and Sediment Yield in the Mediterranean Anoia River Basin, International Conference on River/Catchments Dynamics, Natural Processes and Human Impacts; Solsona (Catalonia, Spain).
Jha, V.C. (Ed.) (2003): Land Degradation and Desertification. Rawat Publications, Jaipur & New Delhi, India, 405 pp.
Geografiska Annaler, Series A, Physical Geography 85A(3-4) 2003: Special issue from the COMLAND conference in Mexico May 2001. Guest Editor: Moshe Inbar.
Papers [in: Geografiska Annaler, Series A, Physical Geography 85A(3-4) 2003]:
- Inbar, M.: Preface: Land degradation, A scientific 21st century challenge for physical geography, 211-212.
- Alho, P.: Land cover characteristics in NE Iceland with special references to jokulhlaup geomorphology, 213-228
- Barrera-Basols, N. and Zinck, A.: "Land moves and behaves", Indigenous discourse on sustainable land management in Pichataro, Patzcuaro basin, Mexico, 229-246.
- Doolittle, W.E.: Channel changes and living fencerows in eastern Sonora, Mexico, Myopia in traditional resource management?, 247-262.
- Hudson, P.F.: The influence of the El Ni�o Southern Oscillation on suspended sediment load variability in a seasonally humid tropical setting, Panuco Basin, Mexico, 263-276.
- Farshad, A. and Barrera-Basols, N.: Historical anthropogenic land degradation related to agricultural systems, Case studies from Iran and Mexico, 277-286.
- Garcia, C. and Servera, J.: Impact of tourism development on water demand and beach degradation on the island of Mallorca (Spain), 287-300.
- Sala, M.: Floods triggered by natural conditions and by human activities in a Mediterranean coastal environment, 301-312.
- Kunwar, L.B., Bergsma, E. and Shreshta, D.B.P.: Rain erosion hazard evaluated from microtopographic erosion features on arable fields and forest, A case study in Nepal, 313-322.
Australian Geographical Studies 40(2) 2002: Special Theme the COMLAND Symposium on "The Role of Geomorphology in Combatting Land Degradation" as part of the International Association of Geomorphologists Congress in Tokyo, August 2001. Editor: Arthur Conacher.
Papers [in: Australian Geographical Studies 40(2) 2002]:
- Harden, C.P. and Mathews, L.E.: Hillslope Runoff and Soil Erosion Following Reforestation in the Copper Basin, Tennessee, USA, 130-142.
- Ono, Y.: Landform Conservation and Flood Control, The Issue of the Chitose Diversion Channel Project in Hokkaido, Japan, 143-154.
- Inbar, M.: A Geomorphic and Environmental Evaluation of the Hula Drainage Project, Israel, 155-166.
- Rodrigues, S.C.: Impacts of Human Activity on Landscapes in Central Brazil, A Case Study in the Araguari Watershed, 167-178.
- Conacher, A.: A Role for Geomorphology in Intergrated Catchment Management, 179-195.
Anon (2001): Popocatepetl volcano field trip guide: International symposium on land degradation and desertification Mexico City and Patzcuaro, Michoacan May 7-14, 2001, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico.
Conacher, A.J. (ed.) (2001): Land degradation: papers selected from contributions to the sixth meeting of the International Geographical Union's Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification, Perth, Western Australia, 20-28 September 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. i-x + 390 pp. ISBN: 0-7923-6770-7. Price: EURO 135.00 / US$ 145.00 / GBP 92.00.
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